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How to shoot milkyway using a DSLR Camera

Shot with Fujifilm XT20 camera, 23mm F1.4 lens     Shooting the Milky Way can be a rewarding and beautiful experience, and with the right equipment and techniques, you can capture stunning images. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to shoot Milky Way using a DSLR camera: 1. Choose the right location: To capture the Milky Way, you'll need to be in a location with low light pollution. Look for areas away from cities, and with little or no artificial light. Some apps like Dark Sky Finder can help you identify ideal locations for Milky Way photography. 2. Get the right equipment: You'll need a DSLR camera with manual controls, a wide-angle lens (ideally 24mm or wider), a sturdy tripod, and a remote shutter release. Additionally, it's recommended to use a camera with high ISO capabilities to capture more light. 3. Set up your gear: Once you've found a suitable location and gathered the necessary equipment, set up your tripod and attach your camera. Make sure your camera